Mobile phone HangTime Hook | Ridgelinen Media Systems

Mobile phone HangTime Hook | Ridgelinen Media Systems


Maximum width of phone:9 cm

Colours: black, green, orange, purple, yellow, red, blue and brown

Weight: 48 g

Compatible: 1.5 mm – 5 mm cords


Mobile phone HangTime Hook by Ridgelinen Media Systems

How to attach your HangTime Hook to a Hammock Ridgeline:


Maximum width of phone:9 cm

Colours: black, green, orange, purple, yellow, red, blue and brown

Weight: 48 g

Compatible: 1.5 mm – 5 mm cords

3 reviews for Mobile phone HangTime Hook | Ridgelinen Media Systems

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  1. Pärjäisihän ilman tuota, mutta ei tuo liikaa matkassa paina.

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